Fall Bay Day Trip
by Stuart McDowell
The first outdoor climbing trip of the year! And what a glorious day it was at Fall Bay. With the tide in at the start of the day but with the sun and blue skies out, jumpers were cast to the side as our new climbers tried their hand at some real rock over on the non-tidal platform of Devil’s Truck. Scuffed knuckles and sore hands were common place throughout the day with lines being set up on King Wall too once the tide had subsided slightly, and an abseil through the top of Giants Cave always an enjoyable experience for all. Some were introduced to proper trad climbing, placing gear and seconding experienced climbers up some lines at Lewes Castle. To finish off the day a rabble decided to brave the Gower waters, finding it wasn’t so cold once fully submerged, but with shivers setting in once clambering out over the reefs to dry off. Sun burn and tan lines a plenty the pub was the next port of call to refresh and relax. All in all a superb, relaxed day.