SWUBS Round Two- Cardiff - 9th February 2019
Awesome opportunity to compete against a whole range of different universities in Cardiff. This is for everyone, so don't worry if you haven't been climbing for long. The cost is £10 made payable by the link below, and £5 for petrol given to your driver. Departure from Swansea will be at 2pm to be there for the 3-3:30pm registration. Lifts will be arranged closer to the time, hope to see as many of you there as possible! https://www.cardiffstudents.com/events/7371/14829/
- # Name Sign Up Date Gear Needed Comments
Jonathan Abraham
Tue 5th February (10:07pm) None.
- 2 Joe Nathan Tue 5th February (11:27pm) None.
- 3 Elliot Cortade Thu 7th February (9:13pm) None.
- 4 Oliver Spurrell Thu 7th February (9:18pm) None.