Everest Charity Climb- Boulders - 13th March 2019
Come along and support Cardiff for their Everest Charity Climb at boulders in aid of Lochaber Mountain Rescue, in memory of Patrick who sadly lost his life on a trip up in Scotland this winter. Bring along £5 for petrol for your drivers, and please specify how many spaces you have if you're driving and adjust your signup accordingly. If you need a lift get in touch with a driver who will be more than willing to drive you. And don't forget change for the cake sale happening too!
- # Name Sign Up Date Gear Needed Comments
Jack Smith
Sun 10th March (5:35pm) None.
James Price
Sun 10th March (6:05pm) None.
- 3 Michael Palfrey Sun 10th March (6:34pm) None.
Ellie Dixon
Sun 10th March (7:44pm) None.
- 5 Joe Nathan Sun 10th March (10:09pm) None.
Bethan Mccarroll
Mon 11th March (9:46am) None. Can take 3 or 8 if needed (extra car)
- 7 Tom Barber Mon 11th March (10:51am) None.
- 8 Rosie Newmanhopkins Mon 11th March (3:48pm) None.
Lewis Fisher-reeves
Mon 11th March (5:11pm) None.
- 10 Kristyna Pejpkova Tue 12th March (3:56pm) None.